23 Stunning Colorized Victorian Era Portraits

The series of stunning photographs show a young couple dressed in opulent clothing, teenage girls with their hair in ringlets and children all with a solemn look on their faces. Other breathtaking shots show a heavily bearded man and a young man casually leaning for his photo opportunity.

The images were expertly colorized by French bank technician Frédéric Duriez by using Gimp editing software. Duriez, who has been colorizing for three years, said he was attracted by the beauty of the clothes and especially the dresses of this period.

“I was fascinated by these portraits without expression because all the looks are frozen in time,” said Frederic. “It was very difficult to colorize these images because they are without relief and contrast… I was attracted by the beauty of the clothes and especially the dresses of this period.”

(Photos Colorized by Frédéric Duriez)

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