30 Color Photos of American Actress Pamela Tiffin in the 1960s

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Born 1942 in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, American actress Pamela Tiffin was spotted by producer Hal B. Wallis, who had her screen tested. This led to her being cast in the film version of Summer and Smoke (1961), and then appeared in the comedy One, Two, Three (1961), directed by Billy Wilder who called her “the biggest find since Audrey Hepburn”. She earned a Golden Globe nomination for this film as well as one for Summer and Smoke.

20th Century Fox gave Tiffin the leading role in the musical State Fair (1962), and was one of the three leads in MGM’’s comedy Come Fly with Me (1963). She made two films with James Darren, both aimed at teen audiences: For Those Who Think Young (1964) and The Lively Set (1964).

In 1967, Tiffin decided to move to Italy “to find out what I want”. She appeared in The Protagonists (1968); Torture Me But Kill Me with Kisses (1968), a hugely popular comedy; and The Archangel (1969).

Tiffin released a memoir, Daring: My Passages with Gail Sheehy in 2014 and a biography of her life, Pamela Tiffin: Hollywood to Rome, was written by Tom Lisanti in 2015. She died in 2020, in a Manhattan hospital, at the age of 78.

Take a look at these glamorous photos to see the beauty of young Pamela Tiffin in the 1960s.

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