Victorian Fatherhood: Sweet Studio Photos of Men With Their Children in the 19th Century

45 Lovely Portrait Photos of Edwardian Mothers Holding Their Babies

Nowadays, childhood lasts a long time with children remaining dependant on their parents, sometimes into adulthood, as they take advantage of educational opportunities. But during the Edwardian era, most children left school much earlier and went into the world of work to earn their keep. At this time, further education was typically only available toContinue reading “45 Lovely Portrait Photos of Edwardian Mothers Holding Their Babies”

Family Ride on a Five Seat Bike in England, 1950

Who needs a van when you can ride as a family! How cool is this family circa 1950. Mr. Eric Jewell, of Dukes Avenue, Finchley, London, finds the solution to go with his whole family to the countryside: a five seat bike. Here, Jewell with his wife and children on a “quinticycle” – adapted fromContinue reading “Family Ride on a Five Seat Bike in England, 1950”

Cringeworthy: Matching Family Sweaters of the 1960s

The trend for wearing matching family clothes was undeniably a huge thing among families in the past, as you clearly can see numerous cringeworthy memes about it. Take a look at these wool-clad families modeling their matching sweaters through 20 intensely awkward vintage photographs from the sixties: Subscribe to Yesterday Today’s Blog and receive regularContinue reading “Cringeworthy: Matching Family Sweaters of the 1960s”

Victorian Fatherhood: Sweet Studio Photos of Men With Their Children in the 19th Century

Of all the characteristics attributed to defining Victorian male masculinity, the one least emphasized or spoken about was that of the Victorian man as a father. Little attention was directed to the role the Victorian man played as a father till the end of the period. If the public and private spheres were defined byContinue reading “Victorian Fatherhood: Sweet Studio Photos of Men With Their Children in the 19th Century”

The “Golden Age” of Childhood: A Gallery of 45 Amazing Daguerreotypes of Siblings From the Mid-19th Century

Daguerreotypes were the first commercially viable photographic process. Developed by French chemist Louis Daguerre in 1839, the technique quickly made its way to the US in the 1840s, the beginning of what some historians characterize as the “golden age” of childhood. To make the image, a daguerreotypist polished a sheet of silver-plated copper to aContinue reading “The “Golden Age” of Childhood: A Gallery of 45 Amazing Daguerreotypes of Siblings From the Mid-19th Century”