FREE ARTICLE – Vietnam Slide Project: Unseen Photographs Taken by Veterans Show Another Side of the Vietnam War You Don’t Usually See

The Vietnam Slide Project was created by Kendra Rennick, a photo editor in New York who began collecting photo slides after a close friend lost her father, a Vietnam veteran. Her friend found a box of slides that her father had taken while in Vietnam, and from there Rennick has continued to collect photographs thatContinue reading “FREE ARTICLE – Vietnam Slide Project: Unseen Photographs Taken by Veterans Show Another Side of the Vietnam War You Don’t Usually See”

FREE ARTICLE – Amazing Photographs of Racquel Welch From Bob Hope’s USO Christmas Special in Vietnam, 1967

Raquel Welch was one of the most fervent supporters of American troops fighting in Vietnam amongst Hollywood celebrities. Rather than simply be vocal in her support, she went along with Bob Hope on his 1967 USO trip where she’d do whatever she could to give the men a little taste of home – she evenContinue reading “FREE ARTICLE – Amazing Photographs of Racquel Welch From Bob Hope’s USO Christmas Special in Vietnam, 1967”

Sarah Rosetta Wakeman aka Lyons Wakeman: A Woman’s Life as a Man in the Civil War

In 1940, Jackson Doane, of Binghamton, unearthed a packet of letters, a ring and a picture in his family’s attic from Sarah Rosetta Wakeman, the older sister of Jackson’s great-grandmother. She was a family member that seemed to be little spoken about — and little known. In 1976, Jackson read those letters, discovering that theyContinue reading “Sarah Rosetta Wakeman aka Lyons Wakeman: A Woman’s Life as a Man in the Civil War”

25 Color Photographs Capture the Fall of Paris in 1940

On June 14, 1940, Parisians awaken to the sound of a German-accented voice announcing via loudspeakers that a curfew was being imposed for 8 p.m. that evening as German troops enter and occupy Paris. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill had tried for days to convince the French government to hang on, not to sue forContinue reading “25 Color Photographs Capture the Fall of Paris in 1940”

Vintage Photos of Women Workers in the Factories in London During World War II

These women were all training in various London polytechnics to work in munitions factories during the early 1940s. Women have always worked outside the home but never before in the numbers or with the same impact as they did in World War II. Prior to the war, most of the women that did work wereContinue reading “Vintage Photos of Women Workers in the Factories in London During World War II”

22 Vintage Photographs of Clark Gable Served in Uniform, Flew Combat Missions in World War II

Clark Gable was an American hero. Not because of his superstar status where he earned the title “The King Of Hollywood”, but because he gave up that life and put himself in great peril to serve his country in World War II. He and his wife Carole Lombard were active in the war bonds effortContinue reading “22 Vintage Photographs of Clark Gable Served in Uniform, Flew Combat Missions in World War II”

The British Pet Massacre of World War II

The British pet massacre was an event in 1939 in the United Kingdom where over 750,000 pets were killed in preparation for food shortages during World War II. In 1939, the British government formed the National Air Raid Precautions Animals Committee (NARPAC) to decide what to do with pets before the war broke out. TheContinue reading “The British Pet Massacre of World War II”